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Trending Hack | LINE Sticker Marketing Hack #5

Festival Crowd

In the 4th hack, I mentioned about story telling hack. Many folks asked me how to start on a story. So I decided to expand the hack to make in clear how you can start on each story telling technique.

What is it?

Draw a image that our LINE Sticker play a joke, or involve in viral story, then share it through your Facebook Page, Google Plus Page, or other social network.

Why should you do this?

Contributing in the story that people know can get them involve.

Yes. it also takes less effort to think about “What story I need to tell today?”

Including your LINE Sticker into the “real” viral story can turn it more fun and enjoyable too. People love fun, and love to share it to others.

Who is doing this?

Actually, we see them everyday. such as:

You can also learn from the comedy show. The actors and actress have done  well in telling “rival” story for make people laugh.How can I do this?
You need to seek a “viral” story.Choose it wisely, just only one, because if you picked a story that isn’t popular enough, people wouldn’t understand your story and scroll away.

You can find viral story from:

You should pick the common story that doesn’t hard to understand:

And try to avoid the story that is sensitive:

I hope you will get the idea and start making Trending Hack. I’d appreciate to see your creation if you please to share in the comment below. 🙂


Follow all hacks technique here: LINE Creator Marketing Hack

Thank you Photo by Shane Kelly